This toolkit contains: 1 PDF Application form (available in digital format, and print upon request), it also has 7 different social media ad sizes that are as follows:
1 Facebook AD (1200x630 pixels)
1 Linkedin AD (1104x736 pixels)
1 Instagram AD (1080x1080 pixels)
1 Twitter AD (1024x512 pixels)
1 RB size (659x291 pixels)
1 Horizontal Banner Size (1600x600 pixels)
1 Vertical Banner Size (800x1200 pixels)
Additional sizes and print options available upon request only.
To receive this item, click add to cart. Go to your cart to check out and the request will be sent to Eyedea Design Studio. We will create your kit and return it to you via the email you provide. Please note, there are no charges for the branding or marketing kits. You will not need to enter a payment method.